Home » White House Accuses Iran of Aiding Russia in Building Drone Factory for Ukrainian Conflict

White House Accuses Iran of Aiding Russia in Building Drone Factory for Ukrainian Conflict

by Richard A Reagan

A troubling update from the White House reveals that Iran is aiding Russia in constructing a drone factory. According to the White House, this facility will produce drones to bolster Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.

These are military-grade attack drones, loaded with explosives and designed to strike key Ukrainian infrastructure.

In March 2023, our government discovered that Iran had provided Russia with over 400 such drones since August 2022 and that Russia was seeking to purchase more from Iran after depleting its stockpiles. [Source]

The war in Ukraine exposed Russia’s deficient drone program. Russia has been striving for improvement and it seems they have finally found a way to expedite the process. Iran’s assistance will ensure smooth manufacturing and supply. [Source]

The Biden administration has released satellite footage of the alleged drone factory, which is located just east of Moscow.

U.S. intelligence has also discovered that the factory is set to begin production in 2024, with an estimated output of around 6,000 drones over the next few years. [Source]

This Iran-Russia partnership is predicted to escalate the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Russia’s war effort is desperate and 6,000 drones could prolong the conflict, meaning we would need to continue supplying Ukraine.

The partnership between Russia and Iran isn’t a new development.

In October 2022, Ukraine accused Iran of supplying Russia with drones capable of covering distances exceeding 186 miles, a violation of the 2015 U.N. Security Council resolution that endorsed the nuclear deal between Iran and the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany. [Source]

This resolution prohibits Iran from transferring drones that can fly 186 miles.

In November 2022, Iran finally confirmed that they had sold such drones to Russia, but claimed that the transfer occurred before the war began and that there had been no transfers since then. [Source]

The drones were shipped via the Caspian Sea to Russia and were then used against Ukraine.

This situation is more than a simple case of misbehavior. The aid Iran is providing to Russia extends beyond drones. It indicates a deepening defense partnership between two countries that continue to display aggressive behavior on the world stage. [Source]

Iran stands to benefit from this partnership. In December 2022, the Biden administration discovered that Russia is planning to sell air defense systems, helicopters, and fighter jets to Iran.

In light of these findings, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby commented: “An unprecedented level of military and technical support is transforming their relationship into a full-fledged defense partnership.”

So, how is the US responding to these concerning developments?

The US plans to isolate Russia from global trade. US, EU, and UK regulations aim to stop the flow of drone components to Russia and Iran. [Source]

This decision was made after an October report from the Institute of Science and International Security revealed that parts from Germany, China, the US, Poland, and Austria have been used to manufacture Iran’s drones.

John Kirby also hinted at more severe measures, saying that further sanctions against Iran and Russia could be forthcoming. [Source]

Will this strategy succeed, however? If the drone factory commences production in 2024, it won’t bode well for either Ukraine or the US. It implies that we will have to continue spending money in Ukraine.

Recent war games report from the CSIS showed that the US isn’t fully prepared for a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The report urged us to replenish our arsenal of long-range missiles.

We can’t economically sustain a two-way threat from Russia and China. Therefore, the sooner the war in Ukraine ends, the better prepared we will be for any potential invasion of Taiwan. [Source]

Let’s clarify one thing here. We are not sharing this information to frighten you. However, it’s crucial to understand the shifting dynamics on the world stage.

The defense partnership between Russia and Iran is alarming. As the old saying goes, when troublemakers join forces, it’s time for the rest of us to remain vigilant and prepared.

Amid these concerning developments, we can only hope for responsible and effective action from the Biden administration.

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