Home » Trump Surges Nearly 20 Points Ahead of Biden in Iowa Poll Despite Felony Conviction

Trump Surges Nearly 20 Points Ahead of Biden in Iowa Poll Despite Felony Conviction

by Richard A Reagan

Former President Donald Trump holds a substantial lead over President Joe Biden and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the latest Iowa poll, despite his recent felony conviction.

The Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll reveals that Trump commands 50% of the vote among likely Iowa voters, placing him nearly 20 points ahead of Biden, who garners 32%. 

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. receives 9% support, while Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver secures 2%. Additionally, 3% of respondents indicated support for another candidate, 1% said they would not vote, and 3% remain unsure.

The poll, conducted by Selzer & Co. from June 9-14, surveyed 632 likely voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points.

The results show a slight increase in support for Trump compared to a February poll, where he led Biden 48% to 33%.

Trump’s current lead of 18 points doubles his victory margin from the 2020 election, where he won Iowa by 8.2 percentage points. He received 53.1% of the vote compared to Biden’s 44.9% in that election.

Despite facing legal challenges, including a recent conviction in the New York business records trial, Trump’s support remains robust among Iowa voters.

The poll highlights that 76% of Trump supporters are firmly decided on their choice, while 24% indicate they could be persuaded to support another candidate. Among Biden supporters, 81% are steadfast in their decision, with 19% open to considering other options.

The poll also underscores President Biden’s struggles with approval ratings in Iowa. Only 28% of Iowan adults approve of his performance as president, a slight decline from 29% in February. 

A significant 67% disapprove of his job performance, and 5% are undecided. Younger Iowans, particularly those under 35, express strong disapproval, with only 15% approving of Biden’s performance compared to 76% who disapprove.

Independents in Iowa also show considerable dissatisfaction with Biden. Just 24% give him positive marks, while 69% disapprove. 

On a national level, Biden faces similar challenges with his approval ratings.

FiveThirtyEight’s average net approval rating for Biden recently hit a record low, marking the worst for any president 1,240 days into office in over 70 years. As of Monday, his national approval rating averaged 38.1%, with a disapproval rating of 56.3%.

This poll underscores Trump’s continued strong support base in Iowa, suggesting that his legal troubles have not significantly impacted his standing among likely voters in the state. 

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