Home » Trump Promotes Early and Mail-In Voting to Outmaneuver Democrats in Upcoming Election

Trump Promotes Early and Mail-In Voting to Outmaneuver Democrats in Upcoming Election

by Richard A Reagan

Former President Donald Trump has taken a surprising new stance on mail-in and early voting, endorsing these methods under the newly launched ‘Swamp the Vote’ campaign.

This pivot is seen as a strategic effort to galvanize Republican voters and counter Democratic advantages before the upcoming November elections.

Trump and his campaign team have introduced the “Swamp the Vote USA” initiative, backed by Trump Force 47, a grassroots organizing program sponsored by the Republican National Committee. 

“Republicans must win and we will use every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats because they are destroying our country. Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in-person or on election day, we are going to protect the vote. We make sure your ballot is secure and your voice is heard,” Trump claimed in a statement.

The campaign has begun to implement personalized voter contact strategies aimed at increasing absentee or mail ballot registrations and securing early in-person voting commitments.

Trump’s change of heart was echoed in a post on Truth Social in April where he affirmed, “ABSENTEE VOTING, EARLY VOTING, AND ELECTION DAY VOTING ARE ALL GOOD OPTIONS. REPUBLICANS MUST MAKE A PLAN, REGISTER, AND VOTE!”

The shift in Republican sentiment towards mail-in voting seems to have been in development for some time.

Notably, Donald Trump Jr. expressed support for early voting late last year, recognizing the need for Republicans to adapt their strategies to match Democratic operations.

Similarly, Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former senior adviser, suggested on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” that adapting to early voting is essential, stating, “So, I don’t like early voting, but if this is the new normal, you adapt or you die politically.”

The strategic pivot is partly a response to the voting patterns observed in the 2020 elections, where Democrats significantly outpaced Republicans in the use of mail-in and absentee ballots. 

According to a Pew Research Center poll, Democrats utilized absentee or mail-in ballots at a rate of 58% compared to just 32% for Republicans.

This method played a crucial role in President Biden’s victory in critical states during the final counts, notably contributing to his overall win.

The ‘Swamp the Vote’ campaign is not just about embracing non-traditional voting methods but also about ensuring large turnout rates among Republicans. The initiative aims to make the results on Election Day “too big to rig,” a sentiment Trump has frequently voiced.

As the November elections approach, it remains to be seen how this strategic shift will impact Republican efforts to challenge Democratic strongholds and whether it will lead to increased voter participation among traditionally conservative demographics.

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