Home » Study Links COVID Vaccines and Lockdowns with Excess Deaths

Study Links COVID Vaccines and Lockdowns with Excess Deaths

by Richard A Reagan

Recent research from Dutch scientists suggests that the COVID-19 vaccines and containment strategies intended to control the pandemic may have inadvertently contributed to an increase in excess deaths

Published in the BMJ Public Health, the study examines the relationship between health policies, including vaccination and public health measures, and excess mortality rates in 47 Western countries between 2020 and 2022. 

The findings indicate a correlation between these aggressive interventions and higher death rates, challenging earlier assumptions about the pandemic’s management.

During the height of the pandemic, an astounding 3,098,456 excess deaths were recorded across these nations. Excess mortality peaked in 2021, a year marked by the dual implementation of experimental COVID-19 vaccines and extensive containment measures. 

This figure notably exceeds the excess deaths recorded in 2020, when the public was primarily battling the virus itself without the widespread availability of vaccines.

The study’s authors point out that the analysis of excess mortality includes deaths directly attributable to the virus and those indirectly related to the implementation of health strategies aimed at curbing its spread. 

Notably, the year 2021 saw the highest number of excess deaths, totaling 1,256,942. This was a time when governments across the West were not only battling the virus but also deploying vaccines and maintaining heavy restrictions on public life, including lockdowns and the closure of many businesses and public facilities.

As the containment protocols were gradually lifted in 2022 and the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines began to decline, the number of excess deaths decreased to 808,392, yet still remained alarmingly high. 

These figures underline a persistent issue of high excess mortality, even after the supposed control of the virus spread through vaccines and restrictions.

Researchers employed a linear regression model, developed by Ariel Karlinsky and Dmitry Kobak, which drew upon historical death data from 2015 to 2019. This model accounted for seasonal mortality variations and demographic changes, providing a baseline to assess the unusual spike in deaths during the pandemic years.

Further complicating the picture, the study cited serious adverse events associated with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. 

Data from phase III clinical trials revealed a higher risk of severe adverse outcomes in vaccine recipients compared to placebo groups. For instance, the Pfizer vaccine trial reported a 36% increased risk of serious adverse events.

The broader implications of these findings are significant, particularly as they suggest that the public health response to COVID-19, including lockdowns and vaccination campaigns, may have inadvertently contributed to a higher overall death toll. 

This revelation has sparked calls for a reassessment of pandemic management strategies, particularly regarding the safety and efficacy of hastily approved vaccines.

Moreover, the study highlights the broader societal impacts of containment measures, such as increased mortality from other medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders, exacerbated by the disruption to regular healthcare services and economic activities.

This study serves as a reminder of the mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the US. 

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