Home » Newt Gingrich: Garland in ‘Grave Danger’ of Obstruction of Justice Charges

Newt Gingrich: Garland in ‘Grave Danger’ of Obstruction of Justice Charges

by Richard A Reagan

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich commented on Garland’s targeting of Trump, saying that “Garland is in grave danger of being charged with obstruction of justice.” [Source]

Gingrich made the comments on Thursday during an appearance on “America’s Newsroom.” He stated that the Justice Department is “terrified” of Trump running for president again in 2024, and that they are using the investigation to try to prevent that from happening.

Here is a transcript of the Thursday appearance:

NEWT GINGRICH: Look, we have never seen a major political figure as routinely and methodically assaulted as Donald Trump. It’s a sign of how desperate the establishment is. They are terrified that if he’s still standing and in October of 2024, he is going to become the president. And, of course, if he does become the president, all of these people are in jeopardy. Remember, Watergate led to 46 people being convicted. The only Cabinet officer ever to go to jail was Attorney General John Mitchell for obstruction of justice. And I am absolutely certain that the current attorney general, Merrick Garland, is in grave danger of being charged with obstruction of justice and with having destroyed the system. I think the Congress, frankly, should be right now subpoenaing all the documents between Smith and Garland, because I think Garland’s been directing this. I think the timing is weird. As you know, the other night, “Jesse Watters Primetime” put up a chart that showed something happens to Hunter, the next two or three days, something happens to Trump. Something happens to Hunter, the next two or three days, something happens to Trump. I mean, this is so blatantly, disgustingly political. And it has no business being in the Department of Justice.

Gingrich alleges that Smith’s latest indictment against Trump is a political investigation, an attempt to destroy Donald Trump politically.

The indictment against Trump is part of Smith’s investigation into potential interference in the 2020 election and the January 6th Capitol riot.

Gingrich’s sentiment about Hunter and Trump was echoed by many prominent Republican figures. They questioned DOJ’s motives as new charges were brought upon Trump after Hunter’s plea deal was dismissed. [Source]

Jonathan Turley, a professor of public interest law at George Washington University, said that the indictment is “jarring” because it accused Trump of activities that are protected by the First Amendment.

Trump is facing charges such as conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. This story is yet to unfold.

Will we see obstruction of justice charges against Attorney General Merrick Garland?

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