Home » Majority of U.S. Voters Back Deportation of All Illegal Immigrants, CBS/YouGov Poll Finds

Majority of U.S. Voters Back Deportation of All Illegal Immigrants, CBS/YouGov Poll Finds

by Richard A Reagan

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll found that a majority of registered voters in the United States, including a notable portion of Democrats, are in favor of deporting all illegal immigrants. 

According to the survey, approximately 62% of registered voters support initiating a national program aimed at deporting all undocumented immigrants—a proposal reminiscent of former President Donald Trump’s campaign promises.

This sentiment is not only confined to Republicans but extends across various demographic groups, highlighting widespread concerns over border security and immigration enforcement.

The poll, which surveyed 1,615 registered voters from June 5-7 across various states, including key battlegrounds such as Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, showcases widespread bipartisan backing for more stringent immigration policies.

Notably, one-third of Democrat respondents align with the majority of Republicans and independents on this issue, underscoring a cross-party consensus that might influence upcoming electoral campaigns.

The findings indicate significant support for improving local law enforcement’s ability to identify and address illegal immigration

Approximately 62% of respondents favor empowering police to distinguish between U.S. citizens and undocumented immigrants within their communities. This move is seen as a vital step toward strengthening internal security and curbing illegal activities associated with undocumented status.

Interestingly, the poll reveals a substantial level of support among Hispanic voters, with 53% backing the widescale deportation effort. This statistic challenges common perceptions of Hispanic Americans’ stance on immigration policies and point to the complexity of the immigration debate within this key demographic group.

The political implications of these findings are profound, especially in light of the upcoming 2024 presidential race.

Former President Trump, who continues to promise a strict immigration stance, holds a slight lead over President Joe Biden, with 50% of the national poll respondents favoring Trump compared to 49% for Biden.

Trump’s policies, particularly those aimed at reducing illegal border crossings, are trusted by 70% of those surveyed to effectively decrease such incidents, starkly contrasting with the 20% who believe President Biden’s policies would achieve similar results.

Trump, who has expressed intentions of implementing what he calls the “largest deportation” operation in American history, reiterated his stance in a recent interview with Time Magazine

“These aren’t civilians,” Trump said, referring to the illegal immigrants crossing the U.S. southern border. “These are people that aren’t legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country, and you have to do what you have to do to stop crime and to stop what’s taking place at the border.”

Despite the support for Trump’s deportation plan, the electorate appears divided on the establishment of large detention centers for holding and processing individuals pending deportation decisions. Fifty-two percent oppose such facilities, suggesting concerns about the practical and ethical implications of this approach.

The CBS News poll also touched on President Biden’s recent executive order aimed at managing the border crisis.

While Trump and his Republican allies have criticized the order as “weak,” 70% of those surveyed approve of Biden’s latest action, which aims to suspend temporary asylum requests when daily border encounters exceed 2,500 at official ports of entry.

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, immigration remains a pivotal issue. With Trump narrowly leading Biden in national polls, voter sentiment on immigration could very well tip the scales in what promises to be a closely contested election.

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