Home » Is Trump’s Indictment Meant to Distract From Biden’s $5 Million Bribery Scheme?

Is Trump’s Indictment Meant to Distract From Biden’s $5 Million Bribery Scheme?

by Richard A Reagan

What convenient timing…

On the day we learn more about Biden’s alleged $5 Million bribery scheme involving the infamous Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, who made Biden’s son, Hunter, a board member despite having zero experience in the sector, there’s a federal indictment for former President Donald Trump.

In a historic turn of events, former President Donald Trump, has achieved a dubious distinction by becoming the first president, past or present, to be formally charged with federal criminal offenses.

Trump took to his Truth Social platform on Thursday night to make a stunning announcement, revealing that his legal team had received notification of his indictment. Shortly afterward, NBC News verified the news, confirming that Trump is now confronted with a total of seven charges. 

Among these allegations are making false statements, engaging in conspiracy to obstruct justice, as revealed by Trump’s lawyer, James Trusty, during an interview with CNN on Thursday. Additionally, Trump faces charges of willfully retaining documents, which is in violation of the Espionage Act, according to Trusty’s statement.

According to sources familiar with the matter who provided information to Fox News Digital, President Joe Biden has been accused of receiving a sum of $5 million from an executive at Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company. 

Notably, Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, served on the board of Burisma. The allegations were reportedly shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) by a confidential human source during an interview conducted in June 2020.

The sources who briefed Fox News Digital disclosed details from an FBI-generated FD-1023 form, which outlines the allegations of a criminal bribery scheme. This scheme purportedly involved a connection between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national, aiming to exert influence over policy decisions within the United States.

The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, serves as a record of an FBI interview conducted with a highly credible confidential source. This source shared intricate details regarding numerous meetings and conversations held with a prominent executive from Burisma over several years, commencing in 2015. 

The FD-1023 form is a standard tool employed by FBI agents to document unverified information obtained from confidential human sources. It allows agents to record the information relayed to them by the source. However, it is important to note that the act of documenting such information does not automatically validate or assess its credibility in comparison to other facts known to the FBI.

According to sources familiar with the document, the Burisma executive sought guidance from a confidential source, described as a business professional, regarding the acquisition of U.S. oil rights and involvement with an American oil company. The discussions between the Burisma executive and the confidential source took place in 2015 and 2016, with the executive seeking advice on the most advantageous course of action.

The Burisma executive provided an explanation to the confidential source, stating that payments were made to the Bidens due to an ongoing investigation by Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin into Burisma. The executive emphasized the challenges of entering the U.S. market during the midst of that investigation.

Further elaborating on the conversation, the confidential source suggested to the Burisma executive that he should “pay the Bidens $50,000 each.” In response, the executive corrected the source, stating that the amount in question was not $50,000 but rather a significantly higher sum of “$5 million.”

So what do you think?

Is this a distraction tactic from the Biden DOJ to cover up his own corruption? Is it a plow to keep Trump from running for President again?

Only time will tell, but the timing sure is perfect.

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