Everyone knows by now that big tech companies are engaged in complete censoring of conservative voices. Whether it’s demonetizing gun channels on YouTube or banning commentators from social media platforms, …
Breaking News
America NowBreaking News
Does the Southern California Earthquake Cluster Mean the Big One Is Around the Corner?
Southern California has been hit by a series of small earthquakes over the past month, with over 1,000 hitting in a small swarm largely in the same area. The unusual …
No one likes economic recessions. Someone always suffers, whether it’s due to drops in economic growth, job losses, or what have you. But recessions are always the natural consequence of …
In the aftermath of Iran’s downing of a US surveillance drone last week, the Trump administration placed new sanctions on Iran’s supreme leader and Foreign Minister. The sanctions, which most …
In the aftermath of Iran’s shooting down a US surveillance drone last week, the warmongers in Washington were ready to pounce. That was just the provocation they were looking for …
With the UK poised to leave the European Union at some point through Brexit, the divisions among the EU’s member states are growing more and more apparent every day. It …
If you needed any more indication that a decade of near-zero interest rates has completely upended financial markets, the massive amount of negative yielding debt should do it for you. …
America NowBreaking News
Trump Threatens Sanctions Against Turkey If Russian Missile Purchase Not Halted
Turkey has always been an odd man out in NATO. The only Muslim country in NATO at the alliance’s founding, Turkey’s control of the Bosporus Strait made it a vital …
Breaking NewsMoney
Millennials Worse Off Than Previous Generations: What Effect Will That Have on the US Economy?
The millennial generation, those born between about 1981 and 2000, has finally come of age. Older millennials are beginning to reach their peak earning years, starting families and buying homes. …
If President Trump’s tariffs on all Chinese imports go into full effect, the average American family is expected to pay over $2,000 per year due to higher prices on the …