The post-9/11 era has seen a dramatic loss of liberties and freedoms that previous generations took for granted. And we’re now seeing a new generation of students graduating high school …
Breaking News
The latest left-wing lunacy out of San Francisco shouldn’t be all that surprising given the city’s continual leftward bent. In a recent vote, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors decided …
The four female Democratic Congressmen known as “The Squad” have been darlings of the mainstream media ever since their election last fall. The four, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida …
If there’s anything the Russiagate hubbub has taught us, it’s that those who are politically connected can just about get away with murder, while those who rankle the establishment will …
According to a recent report from the Department of Agriculture, farmers in the US were unable to plant crops on more than 19 million acres of farmland this year. That’s …
One of the more galling aspects of leftist hypocrisy today is the disparate treatment afforded to Hillary Clinton. While the mainstream media continues to beat the drums for impeachment of …
The scandals keep on coming for Facebook. The embattled firm continues to admit to violations of user privacy, in the newest case recording and transcribing user conversations. Many people joke …
For the many years that the US and Western powers have been involved in fighting in Syria, Turkey has played an important role as a partner. Close communication and cooperation …
By now it should be clear that big tech firms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google aren’t neutral parties looking to serve their users. They are active participants in attempts …
One of the hallmarks of the late Cold War era was the heightened awareness on the part of both US and Soviet leaders that the massive nuclear arsenals each country …