Back in the early 90s, I presented the keynote address at a National Association of Broadcasters meeting in Orlando. I said that the Internet was going to democratize content creation …
Asian markets are getting clobbered today, and the Japanese markets have officially reached “correction” territory. The contagion spread to US markets after manufacturing numbers missed projections; the numbers didn’t miss …
If you’re about to retire and your nest egg is not enough to sustain you, you may want to consider starting your own business. Many retirees still want to work, …
It may seem counter-intuitive, but the best way to get ahead in your day job may be to start and run a successful sideline business. There is one caveat: you …
Let me introduce you to a potential new partner. How would you like to do business with someone who will steal your intellectual property, undermine you by booting key employees …
A surprising number of people don’t use traditional banking services. According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as many as 40 million Americans do not have an account at a …
The president’s plan for a new type of retirement account called “MyRA” is unlikely to work, even for the low-income Americans it’s intended to aid. While advertised as offering guaranteed …
It was a foregone conclusion that 2014 was not going to be as good as 2012 or 2013 when it comes to the stock market. The Federal Reserve has been …
“I am more concerned with the return of my money than the return on my money.” — Mark Twain Talk to people about their financial adviser, and the very first thing you’ll …
Another day, another big retail chain, this time Michael’s, announced that its customer credit card numbers and personal information have fallen into the hands of hackers. Investigators are currently tracking …