Bitcoin prices were down sharply on mid-week selling, with prices recovering slightly to $561 after dropping from near $600 on Tuesday. The selling started Tuesday night, and was finally met …
A pair of opinion polls carried out earlier this year brought to light some interesting views about the American Dream. While the dream is indeed dead for many, it’s not …
There are few feelings quite as bad as being trapped in a job you hate. It’s a soul-sucking experience that weighs on your life like an anchor. It’s also a …
If you purchased a home with a mortgage, you’re already keenly aware of one of the perverse aspects of borrowing money to buy a house — and that is if …
When Barclays plc became the latest big bank to get caught trying to manipulate the London Gold Fix, the benchmark price for gold traders around the world, it was a wake …
Everyone has irrational fears; it’s an outgrowth of the way our brains are wired. We can’t help it any more than we can help how tall we are, or the …
Bitcoin prices dipped in the wake of an announcement last week that the US Marshal’s Office was putting $17.5 million worth of Bitcoins seized from Silk Road up for auction. …
For those seeking adventure and a refreshed outlook, America has always been a good place to leave and return to. Our writers have sung the praises of Europe, often to …
Debt is a way of life for many Americans. We owe on our mortgage, our taxes, our car, a few credit cards, utilities, tuition — the list runs on and on, …
If you really want to damage your financial future, then forget lightweight indiscretions like buying coffee every day and getting your hair colored in a salon. Those meager indulgences will …