You can’t see inflation and, in the last few decades, you haven’t even been able to feel it. That’s because inflation is an expert at camouflage. Inflation knows how to …
I’m not sure why people wait for the end of the year to make resolutions; the time to make a resolution is the moment you realize there’s a problem. Be …
For much of the most productive era in American history the middle class was the dominant force in the country. The nation was so aligned along that center of the …
In these days of 5% unemployment the dark days of 2008 and 2009 are largely a distant memory. For many young people in the workforce today, those days passed blissfully …
It looks as though we’re going to need to modify the old saying about the rich getting richer to the rich are paying off debt while the poor are racking …
Owning a home is the American dream and, no matter how bad of a deal it becomes, people are still fixated on it. People who are wise with money every …
The latest employment numbers showed American business is hiring and the unemployment rate dipped to 5%. That’s a key metric because it means the U.S. is nearing full employment. Full …
Not all mistakes are created equal. There are some mistakes that will cripple your finances for decades and leave you with less money in retirement. Since we’re human beings, it’s …
Most older Americans can remember the days when the dollar was king. You could go anywhere in the world and dollars would be eagerly accepted. Goods and services could be …
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that only about 10% of the U.S. population can pass a financial literacy test when only five states get an A on teaching young …