If you put any money aside for the future, congratulations. That single act of fiscal responsibility puts you light years ahead of nearly half the country. If you do that …
Everyone approaches their personal finances with the best of intentions. In some ways, it’s like going to the gym. The drive to get healthy and the drive to become financially …
You didn’t have to be a mystic to see this market crash coming. Back in August of 2015, I gave our readers tips on how to prepare for the coming …
In most cases, what people call personal finance “facts” are not really facts at all. They’re often opinions based on assumptions or incorrect information. It’s really no wonder that there …
One in four. That’s how many Americans are one accident, one illness or one bit of financial bad luck away from disaster. That bad news comes in spite of an …
One of the biggest myths in modern finance is that your home is an investment. Nothing could be further from the truth yet, every single day, Americans stretch to buy …
The IRS is one of those government agencies that seem a little mysterious. And, well, even a little scary. Everyone wants their refund. But nobody wants to mess with the …
Many of you are dealing with a ghost in your house. That ghost keeps you up at night and tugs at your consciousness during the day; it’s a depressing passenger …
Everyone has regrets in their working career. Life is a one time through the buffet line kind of deal and you don’t get do overs. So, of course, you’re going …
As the old joke goes: Economists accurately predicted nine of the last five recessions. In other words, it’s always easier to see the downside in the market. Traditionally, it’s wise to …