While the image of Liberty advancing in front of the sun’s rays is most associated today with the American Gold Eagle series of coins, its design dates back over 110 …
Perhaps the most perplexing part of the current stock market rally is that it just doesn’t want to break. The Dow Jones reached two record highs last year, both early …
The Barber series of coins that circulated in the United States from 1892 to 1916 were among the most criticized coin designs in US history. Characterized as lacking in beauty …
What many people remember about the financial crisis of 2008 was the role that housing played in the collapse of that bubble. Banks and mortgage lenders had fallen all over …
For over 40 years Americans were forbidden from owning gold coins. FDR’s Depression-era restrictions were finally lifted in 1975, ushering in a new era of opportunity for investors. For the …
The Federal Open Market Committee voted last week to keep its target federal funds rate steady at 2.25 to 2.50%. Even more importantly, the FOMC voted to stop the Fed’s …
With the demise of the half dollar as a circulating coin, the quarter dollar coin became the workhorse coin of American commerce. That made the George Washington quarter the most …
While stock markets have yet to decide when they’re going to take their plunge, data from many other sectors of the economy continue to indicate that a slowdown is coming, …
It was once said that the sun never set on the British Empire. So enormous were British land holdings that the UK and its colonies stretched from Britain through much …
The zero interest rate environment created by the Federal Reserve spurred the issuance of trillions of dollars worth of corporate debt. With cheap money being readily available, it was no …