You may be getting tired of reading articles about how badly off millennials are, but it’s an important topic that bears repeating. The current generation of millennials lags far behind …
Hong Kong was long the jewel of the Orient, a Western-governed haven that featured access to the East with the security that came from rule of law and British legal …
In a surprise move just before Christmas, President Trump reinstated tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum from Brazil and Argentina. It’s unclear whether the move will have much effect …
Homeownership is one of the great goals of many Americans. Over half the population owns a home, and many more want to own homes. The idea of a man’s home …
By now most people realize that the world economy is in decline. Europe is falling into recession, the US is headed there, and country after country is seeing economic slowdown …
The cost of higher education has gotten ever more expensive in recent years, and students have had to go ever deeper into debt in order to afford a college degree …
With the gap between the haves and have-nots seeming to grow larger every year, there’s an increasing movement on the part of Democrats to soak the rich. They see the …
One of the great things about the US in years gone by was the size and wealth of its middle class. Unlike many other nations that had rich elites and …
With Brexit on the minds of many Europeans, the condition of the European economy is far from most people’s thoughts. So much focus has been placed on the one-shot deal …
While everyone knows that inflation makes the cost of living more expensive by the year, the extent to which inflation affects American households is less obvious to most people. A …