We all dream of financial freedom. Even if you are a financially secure person, chances are that you have debt, and are paying off plenty of bills. There is an …
Building a portfolio that is strong and diversified takes a lot of work and a lot of patience. Managing a portfolio that is filled with ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) from …
Every so often a column on personal finance comes along that’s a little like the scene from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy when the civilization that built the giant …
Applying for Social Security benefits is not a difficult process. It can be done from the comfort of your home, office, or even a coffee shop or anywhere else that …
For generations of Americans, a home was not only shelter, but was part of their retirement nest egg. That was the genesis of the 30 year mortgage; you worked your …
Here in Florida we have private jets flying overhead at fairly regular intervals, so we jokingly call them the Key Biscayne Air Force. Every time I see one flying over, …
Millions of people continue to fall deeper into debt, as the financial landscape continues to erode. Instead of filing for bankruptcy, why not look into obtaining government grants to help …
So, you have managed to save $1,000 and you are thinking about investing it. A couple things you should consider before dropping that money into some sort of investment are… …
Bankruptcy! Not many words create as much fear and grief, especially in the financial world. But bankruptcy isn’t the end of the world, and it exists for a reason. However, …
Bank fees are getting higher and higher with each passing year. Banks are starting to charge fees, both hidden and non-hidden, for just about everything imaginable. Every time you turn …