If you are finally trying to clean up your act after years of sedentary living and unhealthy eating practices, it is time to turn to superfoods that can build your …
If you are middle-aged and you think climbing the stairs is like scaling Mt. Everest, or you are struggling to fasten the buttons of your pants without sucking in your …
You see them in every fitness center on the planet. Men and women behind the counter with four percent body fat who seem to have all the answers about what …
Men spill it and in the bygone days used it to seal friendships. Yes, we are talking about blood. Just like the color, amount, feel, and odor of your car’s …
Aging is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit back and watch your body manifest signs of aging. Just like women are worried about their looks, men too …
Men often brush aside health issues like diarrhea or frequent urination as minor problems that don’t warrant a visit to the doctor. On the contrary, any health anomaly, even if …
Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the human body, mainly in men’s testicles. It is the hormone that stimulates sperm production and sex drive in men and also …
From infancy to old age, it has been found that women are healthier than men. Out of all the leading causes of death, men lead women in all except Alzheimer’s …
There are so many health conditions that we often associate just with women. However, even men can be susceptible to them. In fact, for many men, it comes as a …
Snoring is a problem that many people have and although it is often depicted comically, it is anything but funny when it is a regular occurrence. Certainly not for anyone …