When you see a headline like, “Study finds link between blood sugar and brain cancer,” what do you assume? Probably a story about the dangers of high blood sugar and …
What’s the number one cause of death in the U.S.? How about in the world? If you said heart disease, you’re right. In 2015, it was responsible for 8.76 million …
You may have noticed that Lyme disease has become a popular news topic in recent years. A number of celebrities have contracted it, which makes it worth talking about. But …
Everyone knows smoking is bad for you. There are a variety of PSAs, from TV commercials to billboards and print ads, which show the horrifying realities of life as a …
They say you are what you eat. If you stuff yourself with junk food, after a while you’ll end up with a “blah” feeling that makes it difficult to function …
Do you take a multivitamin as part of your daily regime? Does it serve a specific purpose related to your health history, or is it just a general precaution to …
Do you like Kerrygold butter? Imported from Ireland, it’s a bit more high end as far as butter goes, but it’s considered by many to be one of the best …
We all know that global climate change is a huge problem. Relatively small increases in temperature can cause the sea levels to rise, as well as droughts, storms, heatwaves, and …
Everyone loves to talk about how entitled millennials are: how easy they have it compared to previous generations, and how little responsibility they take for their actions. But it turns …
When JFK took office in 1961, his first executive order was to create the food stamp program: a system that provided vouchers to low-income households, which they could use to …