Many people tell themselves one thing, and the next day, or even just a couple hours later they’re doing the opposite of what they told themselves. We see this every …
This is for the men and women out there who are vigorously trying to build a better body and to lose weight. In the name of productivity and effective results, …
Don’t take yourself so seriously. What many people will do is resist making themselves look stupid, incompetent, or humiliated in front of others. We’ll avoid making an effortful attempt, speaking …
We think to ourselves that “in the future I’ll be different, I’ll be my ideal self.” We procrastinate about taking the right action and being our ideal selves today, because …
A recently published study has indicated that consumption of caffeine may not just be not bad for those who suffer from atrial fibrillation (AFib) or heart arrhythmia, but may actually …
It is mind-boggling really when you realize all of the physical and mental health benefits, as well as the everyday career and lifestyle benefits, derived from practicing meditation. Practicing different …
A considerable amount of people experience anxiety and discomfort in social settings, far more than we estimate. Typically we feel as if we’re the only ones who feel uncomfortable and …
If you aren’t proactive, your days can get way out in front of you and chaotic, leaving you anxious, frazzled, irritated, and feeling behind and unproductive. The best way to …
Many people fail or refuse to begin good habits and to change themselves. They don’t practice daily habits or have a morning routine because they feel they don’t have enough …
Your posture says a lot about you. It reveals your energetic state, if you’re feeling tired and groggy or awake and motivated. It reveals parts of your emotional state, like …