As the weather begins to warm up this spring, many people will undoubtedly want to take to the outdoors. But more than ever, they will have to protect themselves against …
We’re so quick to attach labels, feelings, and judgments to things, and it is detrimental to our enjoyment of life. Something difficult happens, and almost immediately we judge it as …
Growing up we were all told that we have qualities, traits, and a personality type that is unique to us. Often times this leads us to believe that we will …
People are naturally attracted to those who are vibrant and overflowing with positive energy. People enjoy being around those who are grateful, who can see the good and the opportunities …
All throughout life we’re told how to live. When we’re kids we’re told how to act and how to hold ourselves. “Be proper. Don’t be loud. Don’t be disruptive. Stop …
Wasting time, being lazy, numbing your mind, distracting yourself from what is important to you. We all do this to an extent. Most people do it incessantly. A minority of …
Many people tell themselves one thing, and the next day, or even just a couple hours later they’re doing the opposite of what they told themselves. We see this every …
This is for the men and women out there who are vigorously trying to build a better body and to lose weight. In the name of productivity and effective results, …
Don’t take yourself so seriously. What many people will do is resist making themselves look stupid, incompetent, or humiliated in front of others. We’ll avoid making an effortful attempt, speaking …
We think to ourselves that “in the future I’ll be different, I’ll be my ideal self.” We procrastinate about taking the right action and being our ideal selves today, because …