More and more research is discovering new health benefits of many common foods. Nuts are among those, with recent reports that nuts can help reduce blood pressure and lessen the …
The antibiotic era has been a wonderful one for human beings, who no longer have to fear dying from infections caused by minor cuts or scratches. From penicillin to cephalexin …
Most Americans probably realize that our healthcare system is broken. With health insurance largely paid for by employers so that patients rarely see the cost of their healthcare, or with …
Forgetfulness and memory loss has long been seen as a natural consequence of growing older. But with further research into dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, that memory loss is increasingly being …
The antibiotic era has been one of the greatest eras in human history. No longer did people have to worry about dying from simple infections of scratches, gouges, and other …
With more and more Americans each year being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, researchers continue to look both for the causes of Alzheimer’s as well as for a cure. An increasing …
More and more research is demonstrating the myriad health benefits of vitamin D. From its ability to improve bone health, raise testosterone, ward off colds, and reduce the risk of …
Many people dread going to work every Monday. Whether it’s annoying coworkers, micromanaging bosses, or a dreadful commute, going to work is one of the greatest sources of stress in …
It seems like ever since the introduction of Obamacare, healthcare expenses have been on a tear. That’s understandable, since those who were once uninsurable now have their healthcare costs subsidized …
More and more research is being done all the time to discover the importance of gut bacteria to overall health. Whereas once the gut was all but ignored, the huge …