Both politicians and public health officials have rested their hopes on a resolution of the COVID-19 crisis on the eventual availability of a COVID vaccine. More than one government leader …
As soon as COVID-19 resulted in economic shutdowns around the country, consumers flocked to stores and stripped them bare of essentials. But it wasn’t just bread, flower, water, and basic …
America NowBreaking NewsHealth
COVID-19 Hysteria Is Driven by the Media: Will They Be Held Responsible?
The mainstream media have long since stopped being a source of accurate information, with most media outlets today acting more as partisan publications with an obvious agenda to push. One …
America NowBreaking NewsHealth
More and More Evidence Points to Coronavirus Origination From Wuhan Lab
The mainstream media is doing its best to bury reporting on the origins of the COVID-19 virus, but more and more evidence points to a government laboratory in Wuhan being …
The US right now has the world’s highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases, and one of the highest death totals. That’s understandable, given how large the country is. Its per …
When reading about the coronavirus, it can be hard to tell fact from fiction. Many stories in the press focus on specific cases, focusing on individuals or families and the …
With the coronavirus pandemic causing mass amounts of hysteria among politicians around the world, it’s time to start digging deeper into why those politicians are freaking out. The current trend …
Americans like to think of themselves as a free people. We enjoy freedom of religion, free speech, the right to bear arms, and other rights that billions of people around …
Now that we’re nearly two months into the worldwide coronavirus crisis, you would think that the authorities would have a handle on how to prepare against the virus. But, in …
America NowBreaking NewsHealth
With Coronavirus Breaking Out, the Uncomfortable Reality of Our Reliance on China
There probably is a bit of schadenfreude going on in the US with regard to China’s difficulty in containing the COVID-19 coronavirus. Many in the US undoubtedly think the Chinese …