Physical fitness has long been considered a critical aspect of one’s overall health and well-being. Everyone should strive to be physically fit, right? Going to the gym is a good …
America NowBreaking NewsHealthNewsSurvival
Biden Turns Blind Eye to Ohio as Red State ‘Nuked’ with Toxic Train Derailment
One of those partial doomsday scenarios has happened, and it’s horrifyingly absurd: a small American town has practically gotten “nuked,” and the federal government led by Democrat President Joe Biden …
The Key to Surviving Is Learning How to Stop the Bleed
by Robert Wayneby Robert WayneOne of the key elements of saving lives is learning how to stop bleeding. Whether the blood loss is the result of a car crash, a cut or stab wound, …
Once upon a time you could trust that doctors and nurses had your best interests as a patient at heart when you were being treated. But those days are long …
It’s not uncommon for those in positions of power to suffer from hubris. And many of those with excessive and unwarranted pride in their abilities also suffer from lack of …
America NowBreaking NewsHealth
Will Monkeypox Be the Next Big Health Scare?
by Robert Wayneby Robert WayneNow that everyone has gotten over their fear of COVID, government authorities are looking for the next bogeyman to frighten us all into handing over our freedoms yet again. There …
If you thought dictators are the worst tyrants, you’re wrong. There’s no greater tyrant than a bureaucrat who has been in his position for too long. And there’s no better …
America NowBreaking NewsHealth
Heroic Judge Overturns Federal Government’s Mask Mandate
by Robert Wayneby Robert WayneIn a recent victory for freedom, a federal judge in Florida overturned the Biden administration’s mandate requiring masks for interstate travel. It’s a classic case of better late than never, …
For much of the developed world, death seems to occur most often around age 80. That’s actually not that different today as it was even thousands of years ago. As …