The coronavirus epidemic has brought to the public’s attention that, despite all the rhetoric we like to hear about how all Americans are equal, some are more equal than others. …
Richard A Reagan
With coronavirus fears sweeping across the nation, many people are wishing they had stocked up on food and supplies when they still had the time. It isn’t too late, as …
When the Federal Reserve announced its Commercial Paper Funding Facility last week, a facility that hasn’t operated since the 2008 financial crisis, many commentators and analysts jokingly wondered when the …
Looking at news from Europe, it seems incredible how draconian their governments are at combating the coronavirus. France, Italy, and Spain in particular have banned their citizens from leaving their …
America NowBreaking News
Why the Federal Government’s Response to the Coronavirus Won’t Help Anything
It seems that every day brings more and more knee-jerk panics from government at all levels throughout the country. Our entire way of life is being upended as we’re asked …
Back when it looked like Mike Bloomberg’s Presidential campaign was going to start gaining some traction due to his free-spending ways, Democrats (and Republicans) were doing their best to tear …
Social media giants have established new rules to flag what they consider to be “manipulated media” – deceptively edited pictures or videos. And guess who was the target of one …
You would think that with two months’ notice of the coronavirus, governments and health authorities would have already prepared for its arrival on our shores. But you’d be wrong. Everywhere …
When Democrats don’t get their way, they can become vicious. That’s never more so the case than when they don’t win elections that they think they deserve to win. President …
It seems like each week just goes from bad to worse for stock markets. Last week saw the Dow Jones suffer its worst-ever points drop of over 2,350 points. That …