The antibiotic era has been one of the greatest eras in human history. No longer did people have to worry about dying from simple infections of scratches, gouges, and other …
Richard A Reagan
2019 seems to be the year of flooding. From the record rainfalls that flooded the Midwest this spring, to the flash floods that hit the DC area this summer, to …
The post-9/11 era has seen a dramatic loss of liberties and freedoms that previous generations took for granted. And we’re now seeing a new generation of students graduating high school …
The latest left-wing lunacy out of San Francisco shouldn’t be all that surprising given the city’s continual leftward bent. In a recent vote, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors decided …
Nothing has buoyed the performance of stock markets more over the past couple of years than stock buybacks by major corporations. With interest rates still at near-record lows, corporations are …
The four female Democratic Congressmen known as “The Squad” have been darlings of the mainstream media ever since their election last fall. The four, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida …
If there’s anything the Russiagate hubbub has taught us, it’s that those who are politically connected can just about get away with murder, while those who rankle the establishment will …
One of the many reasons American industry is going down the tubes is the fact that American business leaders no longer see making money by serving customer needs as their …
With more and more Americans each year being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, researchers continue to look both for the causes of Alzheimer’s as well as for a cure. An increasing …
According to a recent report from the Department of Agriculture, farmers in the US were unable to plant crops on more than 19 million acres of farmland this year. That’s …