With new automobiles becoming ever more expensive, more and more Americans have to finance their automotive purchases with auto loans. And with salaries largely stagnant over the past 20 years, …
Richard A Reagan
If it seems like the rich are getting richer and the not-so-rich are still, well, not so rich, there’s a reason for that. Incomes for the 1% have exploded over …
The situation between Turkey and the United States seems to have taken some mighty sharp turns in recent days. With President Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Kurdish areas of …
If you haven’t delved into the nitty gritty details surrounding the Trump impeachment inquiry, you’re probably not alone. The drama that has engrossed Washington, as Democrats finally think they smell …
Despite the many failings of government, there still remain people who trust the government to protect us. Whether it’s because they believe that police really are there to protect us …
Running, potable water is one of the greatest advances of civilization. It’s also one of the things that most of us living in civilized areas take for granted. We just …
When it comes to preparing for a survival situation, most people understand that food and water should be at the top of the list. Those are also the easiest items …
America NowBreaking News
Do Climate Alarmists Really Think Their Extremist Shenanigans Will Help Their Cause?
Among those who believe that human beings have caused recent climate change, there is a small but vocal contingent who believe that there are only 10-15 years before the earth …
Lost in the impeachment drama in Washington is the underlying reason for the impeachment proceedings. President Trump is being accused of attempting a quid pro quo to get dirt on …
Breaking NewsMoney
Apple Caves to China: Are There Any Americans Willing to Stand Up to the Communists?
The past few weeks have demonstrated that there are very few Americans, if any, willing to stand up against the Chinese communist regime. From the NBA’s cowardly attempts to curry …