Home » McCarthy Makes Impeachment Threat for Attorney General Amid Whistleblower Revelations

McCarthy Makes Impeachment Threat for Attorney General Amid Whistleblower Revelations

by Richard A Reagan

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is mounting a direct challenge to the integrity of the Justice Department, threatening impeachment proceedings against the Attorney General if allegations of the DOJ’s weaponization are not adequately addressed. [Source]

This demand comes in the wake of revelations from an IRS whistleblower, potentially propelling the Biden administration into turmoil. Allegations suggest that Hunter Biden leveraged his father’s name to compel a Chinese business partner into honoring a commitment. [Source]

IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent, Gary Shapley Jr., the whistleblower, disclosed a WhatsApp message that the IRS received in July 2017. 

Within this message, Hunter Biden allegedly confirms that he was with his father when he messaged a Chinese businessman, demonstrating how he was exerting pressure to influence a decision.

Hunter Biden wrote, “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.”

He further added, “And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will ensure that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows, and my ability to hold a grudge, you will regret not following my direction.”

Special Agent Gary Shapley Jr., the individual who oversaw the IRS’s probe into the Biden money trail, unveiled additional disturbing information. He testified before the Ways and Means Committee that U.S. Attorney David Weiss attempted to file charges in DC, but was denied by DOJ leadership. [Source]

McCarthy perceives these allegations as a part of a broader issue, suspecting the Justice Department is being weaponized for political gain. He insists on the Attorney General’s accountability given the serious nature of the allegations. [Source]

The whistleblower’s initial claims were seemingly attempted to be kept secret from the public. All Democratic members of the committee that released the whistleblower testimony voted against its public disclosure, perhaps to prevent serious implications for the Biden administration. [Source]

Republican House Ways & Means Committee Chair, Jason Smith, claimed that Republicans acted “in good faith,” while accusing Democrats of “side-stepping” the whistleblowers’ testimonies.

Rep. Kevin Hern, a member of the panel, accused his Democratic counterparts of “covering” for Hunter Biden by voting “no” on the release of the testimonies. 

Hern asserted, “The evidence presented to committee members couldn’t have been clearer. The Biden administration weaponized the federal government to shield the president’s son from the consequences of his illegal actions.”

Fueling the controversy, President Biden recently commented on his son’s federal tax evasion plea deal, stating he was “very proud” of Hunter. This marks the first time the president has publicly addressed his son’s plea deal. [Source]

The Hunter Biden investigation resulted in Hunter pleading guilty to two counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax. Additionally, he agreed to enter a pretrial diversion program regarding a separate felony gun charge.

President Biden was quick to express his pride for his son. However, recent allegations from IRS whistleblowers appear to contradict his prior statements denying knowledge of his son’s business dealings.

The whistleblowers assert that the DOJ provided Hunter Biden preferential treatment, slow-walked the investigation, and neglected to address other conflicts of interest during the process. [Source]

These recent developments highlight McCarthy’s impeachment threat against the Attorney General.

A thorough investigation into the allegations surrounding Hunter Biden is necessary. 

The President’s family is increasingly embroiled in legal and ethical controversies. As the story continues to unfold, the call for accountability within the Biden administration has become more pronounced and urgent.

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